Monday, September 16, 2024

Semi-finals: Storm squeaks by in pitcher’s duel

Once you get this deep into the tournament, every team is going to be hard to beat, but the Falcons had been hard to beat for Storm all season, being one of only two teams with a winning record against them.

Storm averaged 19.1 runs per game, and the Falcons averaged 18.1 runs per game, so it was a little unexpected that the game was a pitcher’s duel that resulted in the teams combining for 10 runs. Not 10 runs each, or 10 runs for the winner, but 10 runs total. 

Each team put up a goose egg in the first. Storm scored a whopping two runs in the second, and third while the Falcons put up two more goose eggs. The Falcons found some life in the third with three runs, pulling to within one as Storm through up another goose egg in the bottom of the fourth.

This led the teams to the open innings, but the mercy rule did not seem to be an issue on this day. Storm scored two more runs in the sixth, and added an insurance run in the seventh to hold on to a 7-3 win.

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