Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Storm have a Surge of hits and runs

 Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Scoops Jockovitch, intrepid sports reporter here returning after lengthy hiatus in what some may call rehab and other would call prison.

This was a night that our Pylon-esque boys premiered the new Storm kit. Now with more blue and more venting! 

The evening was a truly tempestuous baseball clash filled with alliteration and accidental athletic abominations between the Surge and the Storm. It was a tale of two teams—one that surged early but was ultimately swept away by the gathering storm.

In the top of the first inning, the Surge surged, catching the Storm off guard and putting three runs on the scoreboard faster than you can say chartreuse hippopotamus ( My personal safe word) . The Storm, perhaps still in the calm before their own tempest, failed to make a splash, leaving the first inning score at Surge 3, Storm 0.

But the tides began to turn in the second inning. The Storm managed to muster a solitary run, chipping away at the Surge's early lead, while the Surge's bats went silent. It was a harbinger of the hurricane that was to come. By the end of the second inning, the score stood at Surge 3, Storm 1.

Then came the third inning, and with it, a veritable deluge. The Storm unleashed a torrent of runs, tallying up the max six in a single inning, leaving the Surge's defense looking like a sieve in a downpour. The Surge managed to respond with two runs of their own, but it was clear that the tide had turned. As the third inning closed, the scoreboard read Surge 5, Storm 7.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth innings saw the Storm transform from a drizzle into a full-blown monsoon. With an unrelenting offensive onslaught, they piled on eleven more runs, leaving the Surge scrambling for cover. The Surge, despite their best efforts, could only add two more runs to their total.

And so, as the rain of runs came to a close, and by close we mean the baffling decision of the Surge to call the game with 2 outs and 2 strikes on the final batter, thereby sending the handful of runs that the Storm had scored in the 7th into oblivion.

The final score was a sobering sight for Surge fans: Surge 7, Storm 18. The Storm's batters had indeed weathered the storm and come out on top, proving that sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

Before bidding adieu, a quick note on the play(s) of one Sam I. Am. Ranging from the inability to stand still and let an out come to him, to chopping down that tallest branch of the pitching tree and ending the night with running (walking) into the most confusing double-play ever seen. It was a special night indeed.

In the end, it was a game where the Surge started with a flash of brilliance but were ultimately washed away by the relentless, thunderous performance of the Storm. Until next time, this is Scoops Jockovitch reminding you that in the world of sports, as in life, sometimes you're the surge, and sometimes you're the Storm.

Storm    18   -   Surge 7





























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